TRAN720 HC (30L-0T-0P-0S-235H-50R-0F-0G-5A-13W-32C)
Prerequisite Requirement: Admission to the degree
Corequisite: 96 credits in Translation courses at 700 level.
Aim: To give students further insight into and knowledge of translation theory and its application.
Content: A critical examination of translation theories.
Assessment: 50% class work, 50% examination
DP Requirement: Submission of all written work on time and compliance with the attendance requirements of the
Also offered at Masters level: TRAN820; assessment requires a more substantial independent research
TRAN722 HC (0L-30T-0P-0S-255H-30R-0F-0G-5A-13W-32C)
Prerequisite Requirement: Admission to the degree
Aim: To teach students to apply knowledge of translation theory and of the languages involved to the practice of
translating into the target language.
Content: Analysis of texts according to various theories, applying translation theories to translating, and evaluating translations.
Assessment: 50% class work, 50% examination
DP Requirement: Submission of all written work on time and compliance with the attendance requirements of the
Also offered at Masters level: TRAN822; assessment requires a more substantial independent research
TRAN7RP HC (0L-30T-0P-0S-235H-50R-0F-0G-5A-13W-32C)
Prerequisite Requirement: Admission to the degree
Corequisite: 96 credits in Translation Courses at Level 700.
Aim: To teach students in this programme to conduct research using a range of methodological procedures from
small data base projects to action research, from the design and implementation of questionnaires to the conducting of interviews.
Content: Guidance in the collection and collation of data as well as in the appropriate structuring conventions. As the programme is vocationally oriented the emphasis will be on the application of skills and insight and here research
projects are of particular importance.
Assessment: 100% examination
DP Requirement: Submission of all written work on time and compliance with the attendance requirements of the
TRAN8CD HC (0L-03T-0P-0S-235H-50R-0F-0G-5A-13W-29C)
Prerequisite Requirement: Translation Theory and Translating:Target Language,or equivalent ,at the discretion of the course.
Aim: To further students ability to conduct research in the field of Translation Studies using a range of methodological procedures.
Content: Guidance in the research,collection and collation of data and the structuring thereof into a sustained
academic demonstration.The development of hypotheses through the application of vocational skills and insight within the parameters of a research project is of particular importance.
Assessment: 100% examination of research document produced.
DP Requirement: Full adherence to the work schedule contracted with the supervisor.
TRAN8MD HC (0L-0T-0P-0S-690H-346R-0F-0G-0A-26W-104C)
Prerequisite Requirement: Appropriate honours degree or equivalent , at the discretion ofthe course coordinator.
Aim: To carry out ,under supervision , a piece of research relevant to Translation Studies.
Content: Individual research on an approved topic leading to the supervised production of a dissertation of around 40 000 words.
Assessment: 100% examination of the dissertation produced.
DP Requirement: Full adherence to the work schedule contracted with the supervisor