Dr. Leonora Jackson
Personal Details Name: Dr Leonora Jackson
Qualifications: MA, DLit (UPE), CELTA, UPGDE (HE) (UKZN).
Phone: 031 260 7703
Fax: 031 260 1014
Room: G125, MTB
Email: jacksonl@ukzn.ac.za Research Interests
Research interest in student development, in particular the type of interventions which lead to successful graduation for those students who enter Higher Education through alternative access routes. Important is the development of academic reading and writing in the medium of instruction. Research interests also include the predictive value of different entrance criteria and entrance tests.
Other Information
Original career in Classics at the universities of Port Elizabeth, Zululand and Durban-Westville. Since 2000 involved in English for Academic purposes, development and administration of entrance tests and since 2008 coordinator of the Humanities Access programme at Howard College.